Electric Vehicle Concepts trying to make a difference for more than 50 years.
Since 1974 E-V Concepts has been creating electric conversion kits for the automotive and marine industries. Over those years we averaged more than two electric conversions a year. Many have been prototype electric vehicle concepts for other electric vehicle companies around the world. Still today Electric Vehicle Concepts is building unique electric powered custom designs.

50 Year Conversion History
This is a time line of electric conversion projects from my first full sized freeway capable car in the early 1970's until today. The basics are the same but the components have improved. But there are tractors, boats and motorcycles also in the mix.

Most all design concepts are created by our clients. It is our job to take their conceptual ideas and make the working prototypes. The three wheeled Reverse trikes have been a new design direction for E-V Concepts. They meet the motorcycles laws but they are safer and carry more cargo.

New Project Designs
Creating new art in the housing and transportation world has always been the most enjoyable thing in my life. Building electric conversions is one thing. Creating one of a kind electric vehicle design concepts was the reason for starting Electric Vehicle Concepts.

In the late 90's I stopped racing in the NASCAR series and moved from Charlotte, NC to Charleston SC.
Charleston is one of the oldest and largest ports on the eastern coast. There were plenty of opportunities to remove old diesel engines for an
modern electric drive conversion.

Vintage Customs
My first car was a 1956 Chevy I bought in 1965 for $65.00. Won't see those days again. Customizing my hot rods started in my teens in the 60's. I still enjoy designing and building the vintage customs today. Using electric propulsion just adds to the entertainment.

It is always fun to do something different once in a while. Emissions free bobcats that clear storm drains. Quite landscape equipment that can work the luxury condos and the beach resorts without upsetting the vacationers. Flying cars and hydrogen electric hybrids.
In the 1970's the kit car industry was in it's infancy in the United States. We had our own race car facility where we were building stock cars for the NASCAR racing series for our own team and others. It seemed reasonable to begin offering electric kit cars. Electric Vehicle Concepts was born.
Vintage Hot Rods continue to be one of my favorite design areas. Growing up in the 50's and 60's these were the cars we could afford at a young age. Hot rodding and customizing was part of the daily entertainment. Making the electric conversions was just part of that entertainment.
Still now in 2022 we have created some new electric resto mods. Most all our electric custom builds are designed around modern mass produced donor chassis's. Using the modern safety features like airbags, anti lock brakes and traction control are things the cars from the 60's and 70's were not required to have. Modern suspension and drive trains have improved from the early days. Making the electric conversion is just the modern drive choice.
With our association with Spherical Fiberglass Designs we began designing our own unique fiberglass custom concept bodies for other clients along with using some of the fiberglass replicas created by other kit car manufactures.
There is a lot of electric conversion history in this website. There should be something for everyone. We really enjoy the prototype design work and creating new art work. We have created many one off electric concept designs you will never see any other place in the world.
If you have any electric vehicle ideas or fantasies that you want some help with. Give us a call or email.